Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2 Resolution Month: Consistency

Is it safe to say that most people would like a change? Is it also safe to say that the majority of those people don't want to do the things necessary to make that change happen? Call it laziness, call it lack of focus, call it whatever you want. The fact of the matter is that if you want things done you actually HAVE TO DO THEM!!!

With that being said my 3rd resolution point of January is CONSISTENCY!!!

The ability will to carry out an act CONTINUOUSLY! Doing something once or twice...or for a week just isn't going to cut it. Nothing against your small victory (which I will get back to shortly) but if you want a much larger success you're going to have to work and work and work for it.

Tips to remain consistent:

- Start Small
Small victories are great for routines that you are looking to make habits. Want to start going to the gym more? Go twice a week. That's not too much right? It's not supposed to least not when you first start. You want to start small to prevent yourself from A - burning out. B - being overwhelmed. And C - there's always room to do more. In order to get to 5th gear you have to start in 1st...remember that

- Don't Settle
To often we're quick to throw in the towel after only a few attempts. Little do you know that you are capable of going further and doing so much more. Don't settle for the thrill of immediate gratification. Challenge yourself. Push yourself. Motivate yourself to go beyond your initial goals.

- Schedule
I've noticed that some people maintain their habits better when they're scheduled into their day. I.E. - EVERY Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I'm going to go to the gym...may not be the same time every visit, but at some point during those days you know you're going to be at the gym. EVERY Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm going to have a salad for lunch. I think you get the point.

- Just Do It!
No, I'm not endorsing Nike here, but everyone makes excuses as to why they don't lose weight, or why they can't get back in shape.  This relates back to the last one, a schedule.  When you have your schedule, JUST DO IT! You'll feel better about yourself.  Once you start to do it, you won't to stop at all.  So stop the excuses as to why you CAN'T and tell yourself YOU CAN and YOU WILL.


  1. I can totally appreciate this. Consistency is one of my biggest problems when I want to change something.

    1. I've learned that to stay consistent, you need to kind of discipline yourself when you stray the path, or like the last bullet point states...just do it. In the time I can sit and think of reasons as to why i can't do something, i could have been at the gym working out. Glad you found the post to be helpful :)



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