Monday, January 6, 2014

2 Resolution Month: The Art of Substitution

January is here and the season of making resolutions that we will probably never follow is upon us. Lets face it...the overwhelming majority of resolutions made for the New Year are broken and shattered before the 15th of the month. Usually because these resolutions are carried out in a rather boot camp of a way.

"I want to lose weight so I'm going to eat nothing but vegetables until I'm where I want to be...that's my resolution and I'm sticking to it!" Sounds good but highly unlikely. Quitting the things we love cold turkey is probably one of the most difficult things to why do it?

For the first week of resolution month I'd like to introduce the art of substitution.  The act of maintaining the overall integrity of your meal but making a few minor adjustments that can prove to be beneficial in the long run. By substituting you can still get those satisfying portions but at a lower caloric cost.

Thinking about a burger with all the fix'ns for lunch? Maybe you should try a turkey burger with the fix'ns instead. Don't know where to get a decent turkey burger from? I'd recommend Schnippers. They have a turkey burger that can pretty much rival your local fast food burger spot.

Some helpful substitutions to consider in your quest to maintain your resolution:
Cauliflower for potatoes
Grain and/or wheat instead of white flour based products
Water or Vitamin Water instead of sodas and juices
Broiled and baked foods as opposed to fried
Need Caffeine? Take Vitamin B12 and drop the energy drinks
Drink Green Tea for antioxidants

Find what it is that works for you and make the substitution!!!


  1. Cauliflower in lieu of spuds is one of my favorite subs. People hardly even know the difference. Parsnips work great for that too. In baking, instead of oil, use applesauce. Works just as well, there's no weird taste and it has almost none of the fat.

    1. I will definitely be trying that applesauce sub...thank you for that.



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