Monday, January 13, 2014

0 Resolution Month: Enter the Moderation

So the substitutions didn't do it for ya huh? How about we go a little cliche?

Next up on the resolution posts...MODERATION!

You've heard it before and so what if I'm beating a dead horse. It's something that needs to be repeated. Rather then eating until you're stuffed, or until your plate is completely cleared of it's until you're satisfied. Not easy of course but if it was easy it wouldn't be a RESOLUTION now would it?

There is a thin line between satisfied and gluttony and we often tap dance all over it. At the point where your stomach tells your brain, "I think I'm good..." is probably when you should stop eating. Forcing yourself to continue eating after you've clearly had enough is just foolish. Rather then walking around uncomfortable and barely able to breathe, why not just save the rest for another time? Then you'll have food for later.

Quick tips to help you with your portions:

1 - Out of sight, out of mouth.
If you're anything like me then food doesn't sit in front of you for too long before you go in for the kill. If you order less, you will eat less...and that's just simple mathematics

2 - Listen to the words of your body.
Your body will tell you when you're good, when you've definitely had enough, and when you're a bite away from a food induced coma. LISTEN TO IT! Before you find yourself unbuckling your belt and feeling like you need to throw up for relief

3 - Self control.
Probably the most difficult of all the tips. Just because it's there or offered, doesn't mean you have to partake. It is definitely OK to say NO. Your stomach thanks you!

4 - Doggy before dine.
Ask the server for a to go bag....So you ordered a huge meal, you obviously want to eat it all because it's delicious, and, you paid for it. Cut it in half, don't finish it at dinner, bring the other half for lunch tomorrow. 


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