Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2 Resolution Month: Cheat?

How are those resolutions coming along so far? Hope everyone found them to be useful or at the very least entertaining. But we're not done just yet.

The fourth and final resolution theme for this month is....uh....to CHEAT!

"Cheat! What? Are you crazy? I worked so hard why would I cheat?"

I know, I know...take it easy. Yes I said cheat, no I'm not crazy, and yes you have worked hard...that's why I want you to cheat. There is a method to the madness I promise.

So you started your resolutions. You've substituted, moderated, and remained consistent. It wasn't easy, but ya did it. Let's fast forward a month from now. When you're at your wits end and CRAVING a large bag of cheese doodles. CRAVING a big gulp soda. CRAVING all the things you've cut of for weeks. You know what happens right? You say, "eh one bag isn't gonna hurt. One soda isn't gonna hurt..." That one slip up usually leads to falling completely off the wagon. Now every other day your busting down a soda and a cheeseburger and fries telling yourself, "I'll work it off at the gym." Maybe you go to the gym, maybe you don't. The fact of the matter is that the regime that you've worked to put together and customize to your liking and convenience is now compromised off your one slip up that manifested into many....because we all know slip ups don't happen in ones. It's 3's and 4's and 5's. Now you're going to the gym and working off a weeks worth of soda and burgers rather then that one cheat day. See where I'm going with this?

Cheating reduces the relapse by allowing you to still enjoy those guilty pleasures but at a minimum. You've been eating healthy all week? Treat yourself to cheeseburger on Friday or Saturday. Establish the day (or days...shouldn't be more then 2) that you feel is OK for you to revisit some old tasty friends of yours. 

DON'T TAKE THAT OPPORTUNITY TO BINGE!!! Just enjoy it for the day and then get back to business the next day.

Hopefully, these resolution posts have been somewhat helpful to you and your quest for better eating and habit changing. Stay tuned because next month will be a new theme, new ideas, and more importantly...NEW FOOD!!!


  1. This is probably the biggest problem people have... in life. Instead of gradually making changes they try to cut themselves off cold turkey and it never works. There's nothing wrong with giving in here and there so longe as you're not throwing everything to the wind and being gluttonous. That cake I have? I'm gonna eat it too!

    1. You nailed it, as long as you stay consistent with everything, go out and enjoy yourself for one day, but get right back on that horse the next day.

      As long as you share your cake :)



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